MTMCSim | |
Comm | |
BaseBPSK | BPSK Baseband Modulator and Demodulator |
BaseAWGNReal | Baseband real AWGN channel |
Util | |
CompRes | Base class for computed results |
discrete_distribution | Discrete Distribution, generates random number according to given pmf from uniform RVs |
DispUI | For displaying infomation on screen |
DLDPCCodes | Rate adaptive LDPC codes (for distributed source coding) management class |
DLDPCEnDec | LDPC encoder and decoder |
DOSDispUI | |
DSCKVSim | |
DSCKVCompRes | The computed results from input parameters |
DSCKVPara | The parameters for the simulation |
DSCKVSimuRes | The simulation results |
ThreadWorkSpace | Work space for each thread |
XYSeq | A random number object for this problem is two correlated sequence X and Y |
DSCKVSimRate | |
DSCKVCompRes | The computed results from input parameters |
DSCKVRatePara | The parameters for the simulation |
DSCKVSimuRes | The simulation results |
ThreadWorkSpace | Work space for each thread |
XYSeq | A random number object for this problem is two correlated sequence X and Y |
KVChanSim | Koetter-Vardy decoding simulation for channel coding |
KVChanCompRes | The computed results from input parameters |
KVChanPara | The parameters for the simulation |
KVChanSimuRes | The simulation results |
ThreadWorkSpace | Work space for each thread |
XNSeq | A random number object for this problem is one source sequence and one channel noise sequence (standard normal) |
LDPCDec | |
MCThreadInfo | Thread info |
MRSimuFactory | Factory class for classes derived from MultiRunSimuBase, i.e., simulations that supports multi-run mode |
MRSimuItemCreator | Class template to create objects that are derived classes of MultiRunSimuBase |
MSALSim | Simulator for multistage LDPC for two source distributed source coding |
ALDPCInfo | |
OneCodeInfo | |
LDPCGroup | |
MSALCompRes | The computed results from input parameters |
MSALPara | The parameters for the simulation |
MSALSimuRes | The simulation results |
ThreadWorkSpace | Work space for each thread |
XYSeq | A random number object for this problem is two correlated sequence X and Y |
MTMCScheduler | Multithread Monte Carlo Simulator Boss-Worker model scheduler |
MTMCSimBase | The (abstract) base class for a multithread supported simulator |
MulSourSim | Multiple source linear correlation model simulation |
ESeq | "Error" sequences |
MulSourCompRes | The computed results from input parameters |
MulSourPara | The parameters for the simulation |
MulSourSimuRes | The simulation results |
ThreadWorkSpace | Work space for each thread |
MulSourSimRate | Multiple source linear correlation model simulation |
ESeq | "Error" sequences |
MulSourCompRes | The computed results from input parameters |
MulSourParaRate | The parameters for the simulation |
MulSourSimuRes | The simulation results |
ThreadWorkSpace | Work space for each thread |
MulStageSim | Simulator for multistage LDPC for two source distributed source coding |
MulStageCompRes | The computed results from input parameters |
MulStagePara | The parameters for the simulation |
MulStageSimuRes | The simulation results |
ThreadWorkSpace | Work space for each thread |
XYSeq | A random number object for this problem is two correlated sequence X and Y |
MulStageSimRate | Simulator for multistage LDPC for two source distributed source coding |
MulStageCompRes | The computed results from input parameters |
MulStagePara | The parameters for the simulation |
MulStageSimuRes | The simulation results |
ThreadWorkSpace | Work space for each thread |
XYSeq | A random number object for this problem is two correlated sequence X and Y |
MultiRunnable | The interface (abstract base class) for multi-runnable simulators |
MultiRunSimuBase | The base class for the simulators that are multi-runnable and support our multithread interface |
nbToBinPDFConv | Converts a pmf on alphabet with size nbSize to log_2(nbSize) binary sources with a joint pdf |
OutputUI | (Dummy) base class for output |
pdfXY | Handles joint pmf for two sources |
RNObj | Base class for random number object |
SimuFactory | Factory class for classes derived from MTMCSimBase, the simulators |
SimuItemCreator | Class template to create objects that are derived classes of MTMCSimBase |
SimuPara | Base class for simulation paramaters |
SimuParaFactory | Factory class for classes derived from SimuPara, the simulation parameter objects |
SimuParaItemCreator | Class template to create objects that are derived classes of SimuPara |
TextFileInput | Process input from a text file and convert to a parameter map (map<string, string>) |
TextSaveUI | An output UI that saves to a text file |
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